Creating a Good Oil Painting Workshop
With Sarah Phippen
Would you like to solve common painting problems or is a particular problem plaguing your work. Would you like more freedom when working from life of photos, more photos, initiative and expression. There are tried and true ways to develop these, get read to put these tools in your artistic tool kit!!
Sarah’s goal is for students to come away with a greater understanding of what kinds of effort to put into their composition, drawings, color, and paint application to make with a good painting. I’d like to give them more options to perceive the possibilities of a set-up and the freedom to evaluate and make choices in their artistic process. We will do this by making thumbnail drawings, looking at photos, and considering principles of composition, design, color theory, and paint handling. These skills should give the student of art at any age more freedom and greater initiative when creating their artwork.
Class on Saturday will run from 9:30 am to 4:30 pm and on Sunday 1:00 to 5:00 pm. Please bring lunch (just Saturday) snacks and drinks. A supply list will be provided